Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil |
Branding is so important in today's fast paced world. One day you're a nobody with the social media crowd and the next day things haven't changed. It was therefore announced today that GSRadio will be holding their first photography contest.The rules are simple.
- You must be a citizen of the United States, Paraguay or any other country that sells beer.
- The photograph must be of one individual or more holding either an empty beer glass, empty beer bottle or empty beer can upside down on top of their head(s). See example.
- All photographs become the property of GSRadio unless you threaten to sue, in which case you can have the stupid picture back.
- The contest is not open to GSRadio employees (me and Steve) or the fat husband of Steve's ex-girlfriend, Robin.
- Contest ends July 1, 2013. Should we not receive a single picture - which is a possibility considering we have no followers - we will cancel the contest and try to think of something just as sick.
- Send pictures to lee10462@gmail.com.
- If we can figure it out, all photos will be posted unless seized by Interpol.
- Two categories: Individual and Group
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